Driving My 1983 Regal Limited


(00:00) But um, I was driving, I’d just gotten my license, my dad had just put the finishing touches on my new used car, my 1983 Regal Limited. And it was at night, and I cannot remember if I was deriving myself home from work or what the circumstances were as far as where I was going, uh, but it was at night. And it was in North Omaha, and a police car, uh, stopped me and I don’t really know, I’m not sure why he stopped me, but, uh, he asked for insurance or something like that, I believe. I’m pretty sure my registration was, was good, because my dad was handling all that stuff. 


 (00:56) But he asked for something and I didn’t have it. And, for whatever reason, uh, he got very, very sort of like irritated, and very, very mean. Mean enough, uh, to the point where, you know, in the back of my mind I’m thinking, why is this police officer being so mean to me because I don’t have proof of insurance or I don’t have proof of registration, you know? He was just being, uh, I guess, the word would be nasty. He was just being very, very nasty. 


(01:35) ‘Well, why don’t you have that? Why don’t you have that? What’s wrong with you?’ And blah blah blah, and just sort of like coming at me with all of these really nasty words. And it wasn’t just what he was saying, it was how he was saying it. It was almost as though he was trying to scare me.


(01:51) And this happens, you know, often with the police because, uh, the police officers, they have an immense amount of power. An immense amount of power, uh, when it comes to the law, uh, jurisdiction, you know, and so on and so forth. You know, they’re kind of like your first line, right there. Um, and, if they want to, uh, sort of like, they have sort of a vendetta against somebody, and they want to influence the outcome of someone who may or may not, uh, be guilty of a crime, they can do that. 


(02:36) There are many, many documented cases of the police planting evidence, uh, interfering with an investigation and so on, and so there are many people in prison right now, uh, who are innocent. They’re only there because of police officers, the first line of the justice system, planted evidence so that they can say, okay, well this is in your car, you know, you’re gui- we’re going to have to detain you and blah blah blah.

Item: Driving My 1983 Regal Limited

Date Recorded: September 24, 2021

Type: audio/mpeg


Location: Omaha, NE